The challenge is on ! The goal of this notebook is to show what features influences the most the sale prices of Houses in Ames. The dataset comes from Kaggle and has been originally launch to study regression techniques. But before any Machine Learning technique, it is obligatory to study the shape, distribution ans essential features of a dataset.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
#After reading the description.txt, I choose to delete columns that has no interest in my research or are in duplicates
data = data.drop(columns=['Id','Street'],axis=1)
#I also delete the column PoolQC which has a lot of missing values
data = data.drop(columns=['PoolQC','MiscFeature'],axis=1)
# Adding a new feature TotalBathrooms with sum of FullBath and HalfBath + in basement
data['TotalBathrooms'] = (data['FullBath'] + (0.5 * data['HalfBath']) + data['BsmtFullBath'] + (0.5 * data['BsmtHalfBath']))
# When NA means 'none' in the description.txt I fill the missing values of the features by 'None'
for col in ('FireplaceQu',
# After checking if the house has a garage, I fill the missing values of GarageYrBlt by the median value.
#If there is no garage I fill GarageYrBlt by 0
data.loc[data['GarageType']!='None', "GarageYrBlt"] = data["GarageYrBlt"].fillna(data['GarageYrBlt'].median())
# I fill the missing values of the column LotFrontage by the median value
data["LotFrontage"] = data.groupby("Neighborhood")["LotFrontage"].transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.median()))
# Making false numerical variables into categorical
data['YrSold'] = data['YrSold'].astype(str)
data['OverallCond'] = data['OverallCond'].astype(str)
data['MoSold'] = data['MoSold'].astype(str)
data['MSSubClass'] = data['MSSubClass'].apply(str)
# Encoding the dataframe into another one
encoded_data = pd.get_dummies(data)
# study of the Base variable = SalePrice
# Displaying distribution of the target variable
# Adjusting skewed data distribution
encoded_data['SalePrice_skewed'] = np.log1p(data['SalePrice'])
# Displyaing top 10 of data correlated to SalePrice
# I choose to study the Ground Live Area vs Sale Price. There is a linear regression
sns.regplot(x='GrLivArea', y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data, color='green')
#Checking the reasons of outlier : GrLivArea > 4000
encoded_data[(encoded_data['GrLivArea']> 4000) & (encoded_data['SalePrice_skewed']<13)]
#The reason is that the SaleCondition = Partial (means Home was not completed when last assessed)
# I delete those rows.
encoded_data.drop([523,1298], inplace=True)
# I choose to study the impact of OverallQual on Sale Price.
sns.boxplot(x="OverallQual", y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data)
# I choose to study the Year of construction vs Sale Price. There is a linear regression
sns.regplot(x='YearBuilt', y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data)
# I choose to study the existence and surface of the basement vs Sale Price. There is a linear regression
sns.regplot(x='TotalBsmtSF', y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data, color='purple')
# Impact of Full Bathrooms on Sale Price.
sns.boxplot(x="TotalBathrooms", y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data)
#Checking why there are outliers when +5 bathrooms
from math import exp
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
outliers = data[(data['TotalBathrooms']>= 5) & (data['SalePrice']<exp(13))]
# The BsmtFinType2 indicates Unfinished, this could explain the low sale price.
# Moreover, the values in YearBuilt are below 1990 : the houses are old
# Finally, the OverallQual values are medium (5/10)
# I choose to study the existence and surface of a first floor vs Sale Price. There is a linear regression
sns.regplot(x='1stFlrSF', y="SalePrice_skewed", data=encoded_data, color='orange')
# Checking R-squared with the 4 most correlated features
X = sm.add_constant(encoded_data[['GrLivArea','TotalBathrooms','OverallQual','GarageCars']])
Y = encoded_data['SalePrice_skewed']
model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit()
predictions = model.predict(X)
print_model = model.summary()
# The model explains 82% of the variance of Sale Price !
# Even if the correlation coefficient didn't show it, I presumed that the neighborhood had an impact on the Sale Price.
sns.boxplot(x=data['Neighborhood'], y=data['SalePrice'], data=data)
# Using ANOVA to test H0:the mean SalePrice of every neighborhoods are equals
model = ols('SalePrice ~ Neighborhood', data = data).fit()
anova_result = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
print (anova_result)
# H0 is rejected : the means are not equal, there is a difference of SalePrice between neighborhoods
# But based on our correlation result, it is not the main features to influence the SalePrice